APetchell Coaching

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How do you travel? What does that look like when it comes to creating your goals

You and your favourite travel buddy are planning a trip away. It’s to a country you haven’t been to before, and you’re planning to be there for approx 3 weeks.

Your friend says to you, “I’ll leave it up to you what we do”.

Are you

A- someone who likes to plan out every last detail when it comes to a holiday.

You will have: hotels booked, sites to be seen marked out, the exact road you will take to get to your 2nd, 3rd, 4th destination. You will know where you will be eating and what you plan to eat.

(ok, maybe that’s a bit too far, but you get the idea)


B - Are you someone who likes to do a little research, but ultimately you will discover things out as you go along?

You’ve done a bit of research, you’ve figured out which country, and how you are getting there, but you know ultimately the magic comes from discovering along the way? As long as you have the compass set in the right direction, you will figure it out as you go.


C - Are you someone who likes to do a bit of A and B. You like to have the general plan and idea of where you are going, you have done research into many smaller things, but there’s no set in stone plan. You will stick to a basic idea, but then take things as they come as well.

The reason I say this, and the relevance it has to coaching is quite apparent when you look further into it.

I personally am someone who loves to do lots of research first, and then take things as they come, and as we travel.

I like to make lots of mini plans: go to this place, check out these restaurants, visit this place - ticking off as I go along and allowing for new opportunities to arise as we go (saving everything into google maps, but then not worrying if it doesn’t happen, and open to local recommendations).

So I would say I am Traveler C. Overall the compass is set, and I have many mini plans, but the unwavering plan is just to figure things out when we go along. I know for me, I feel slightly limited to allowing new opportunities in, if I stick COMPLETELY to the plan.

How did you read that?

Are you someone who is more - plan the entire story out, and follow through? or someone who likes to set the compass and see where it leads?

The reason I say all this is because there are different types of goal setting, and when it comes to knowing how to set your own goals, its a good idea to have a grasp on what that is.

Destination Goals

  • These are goals that are grounded in a result or a product.

  • They are quantifiable.

  • It’s clear when you achieve this goal (ie I lost 5kg, or I made $5000).

  • This would be more like Traveler A - someone who has exactly the type of holiday they want ‘crystal clear’ in their mind, and now all they have to do is break it down to make it happen.

Directional Goals

  • These are more subjective in nature.

  • Point towards a quality of life - or a direction you want to head in.

  • Achievement is fluid.

  • Success is measured on a sliding scale - rather than a yes or no.

  • This would be more like Traveler B - someone who has the compass set, and is going in that direction. They know what sort of experience they would like, and they are heading in that direction.

Both are necessary for professional and personal development, and can be used in combination.

For example - when you are looking for a new career. You might not know exactly what you are looking for - but you are looking for something that is inspiring and enjoyable, so that would be subjective in nature ‘directional’ (Traveler B).

To accomplish this, you would create several ‘destination’ based goals

  • Many smaller goals - for example that could be - doing a certain course, or networking to meet 5 new connections (as you can see, each of these has a clear end).

So relating it back to the travel idea. It’s not right or wrong which way you choose to create your future. But think about this when you’re creating your own future. Are you thinking ‘bigger picture - directional vision’ and have ‘smaller destinational’ goals to achieve along the way.

If you want to get into this further and explore the different approaches to this, let me know or send me a message and we can see what style best suits you. Or how to incorporate this in the best way for you.

More importantly, what sort of traveler are you? A, B or C?

Let me know you’re thoughts :)

#mindset #apetchellcoaching #yachtingexitstrategy #futurefocused #goalplanning #wheretonext